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The project of examining distribution, fee rates and collection rate of waste container.

The project focuses on three issues: “The investigation and analysis of waste containers distribution”, “The inspection and analysis of factors for assessing container fee rates”, and “The investigation and integration of factors for evaluating collection rate on waste containers”. The implementation was summarized as the following: First of all, the first objective aims to investigate and analyze waste container distribution, which depends on surveying individual’s behavior toward different sort of discarding waste containers, and to demonstrate the distribution of waste containers. Through surveying 1,076 individual’s recycling behavior, the results indicate that people receive information about waste containers recycling from TV channel, governmental leaflets and brochures, and newspapers. As a result, up to 90% of general public has spontaneous recycling behavior towards waste containers recycling, but with lower voluntary to recycle waste PS container (62%). Regarding to the lower collecting rate, consolidating general public and recycling institution’s awareness toward recyclable waste container by promoting recycling regulation, and strengthening corporate social responsibility are strongly suggested to achieve a better performance. With respect to the distribution of waste containers, each division took part in distribution is computed by “ratio estimation approach” and “input-output approach”. According to the estimative results calculated from data of interviewing 60 enterprises, the project has concluded that the more appropriate approach between the two is “ratio estimation approach” and the total amount of waste container quantity in 2010 is calculated to be 671,345 tons. Following up the estimation by using “ratio estimation approach” with a forecasting method “time series analysis”, the total amount of quantity in 2011 is estimated to be 0.78 million tons approximately. Secondly, the project has completed the survey of 30 recycling industries and 36 disposal and treatment industries in order to make a description of the operation of the recycling and disposal system, so as to estimate the costs related to waste containers treatment. Meanwhile, the project has collected fundamental data referring to the operation of waste container recycling scheme , making a calculation based on the formula for fee rate calculation, which reflect to the total costs of subsidizing on waste container recycling; also, it targeted to scheme a proposal for revised container fee rates with several aspects, such as how to balance revenue and expenditure of the recycling fund, how to stabilize the operation of container recycling and disposal system, and how to advance the recycling and disposal performance on waste container. Moreover, with concerning international raw materials prices, purchase price for recyclable waste container in recycling market, price for recycled materials and so on, the project has sought to analyze the cause in fluctuant trend of market price so that government can observe current trading situation on recycling and disposal concerning waste containers across the country. In order to present the performance on domestic recycling and disposal, the project has conducted 36 sets of moisture content experiment in waste containers towards different kind of materials, such as iron, aluminum, glass, and plastic, which had been audit and certified by EPA, so as to calculate the average of total volume. In addition, according to particular method assigned by EPA, correlative factors were integrated into calculating collection rate of waste containers. Moreover, the project has analyzed the cause exception for the waste containers with less than 40% collection rate, including waste aluminum containers, waste paper containers, waste paper tableware, and waste expanded polystrene containers, and also contributed a recommendation for advancing recycling performance.